
LA Wealth Management Blog

Your relationship with money

Robert Thomas here of LA wealth management and today I want to talk about the relationship between risk and time. As a financial advisor I can’t tell you how often we hear the words “I have X amount of money to invest. What should I do with it?” Here at LA Wealth Management, our objective is to help our clients understand the time-risk relationship and navigate them into the most appropriate investments to accomplish their goals. One of the biggest challenges an investor faces is having the confidence to make those investment decisions without fear of losing their hard earned money in a down market. Conversely, an investor may choose investments that are too conservative, providing smaller returns, and ultimately less money for their retirement needs.  As we know it, time only moves forward in our universe and it’s one of the very few things we cannot get back in our lifetime. The hardest part of my job is sitting down with a client and telling them they will not be able to retire when they want or they will need to start taking on investments that are outside their comfort zone to try and catch up.  There were many chances for the client to fix this problem if they had been given the correct guidance along the way. Are you confident your investments are on track to meet or exceed your goals? Are you confident your advisor has fully prepared you for the worst times and the best times in our stock market? If you aren’t 100% certain, click the link below or call to schedule a no obligation appointment with either me or one of LA Wealth Management’s advisors. Over the next few weeks I’ll be covering topics such as the time value of money and other important investing basics. Be sure to check back for more videos of LA Wealth Management’s advisors and the important topics we will address. Have a great day from all of us at LA Wealth Management.

Laurie Allen